
Faith, Family, Love and Reviews

TOS Crew Review: Reading Eggs

on March 2, 2012

Vendor Name:  Reading Eggs

Vendor Contact: Reading Eggs contact page

Name of ProductReading Eggs

Price:   $75.00 for a 12 month subscription; $49.95 for a 6 month subscription

Age Range: ages 4 and up (there is an area for older children up to age 13)

My son is wanting to read but every workbook or book I buy to help him meets with a strong willed resistance – maybe it’s his age or because he’s a boy – whatever the reason I think I’ve found the solution to helping him get a jump start.  Reading Eggs.  This is a colorful and educational website to aid in reading – learning how to read and working on skills that may not be as strong.  My son really enjoys his time on this site and begs to do it while I’m doing school with his sisters.

The older child will take a test to see where they place in reading – however since my son isn’t reading at all even though he recognizes his letters, sounds are another matter – so I skipped the test and we move on to the actual learning and game experience.  When I log into Reading Eggs I’m taken to my dashboard which tells me what lesson my son is on and then I can check on his progress – as well as the account information.  When I look at my son’s progress and achievements I can see that he is at a 4.5 year old reading level, he knows 10 our of 237 phonic skills, 3 out of 200 sight words and how many eggs he has earned/has left.

In Reading Eggs there are 120 learning-to-read lessons and 96 spelling lessons.  The first thing that the child will be shown is their reading map, which shows them visually what lesson they are on and where they are going next.  On the side they can also see the other items that have been unlocked to them after a predetermined amount of finished lessons.  There are many other learning items that can be unlocked such as Reggie’s Room which unlocks after lesson 6, driving tests and skills bank opens after 40 lessons.  The playroom is unlocked and allows for some free play but still educational – although some of it is a bit young for my 5 1/2 year old.


This is a great program that can be utilized by many children, if they each have their own account, so if you’re a family that has several age ranges then this would be a great way to have each child do some independent school work while you are working with the others.  My son really enjoys his time and I like knowing that he is able to read some simple words and sentences.  Although he does get frustrated as he doesn’t want to slow down and listen to directions (some of the activities move more slowly than others) before he starts clicking, so I have to run interference.  This is not a reflection on the Reading Eggs program just a reflection that some boys don’t have the ability to sit and listen for long periods.  This is a fun program and we have enjoyed it as we helped my son work through his lessons and if you want to see what other homeschooling parents thought visit the TOS Review Crew blog.  You can also get a free trial with no credit card required by visiting Reading Eggs.

**This is a TOS Crew Review.  I was given a free trial subscription to the website from Reading Eggs in exchange for my honest opinion, no other compensation was given.