
Faith, Family, Love and Reviews

Happy 2nd Birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday

to my "little man"


I can hardly believe he is 2 today, how time flies.

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So busy


I feel like I have been so busy, even though we haven’t really gone anywhere 🙂

I took Hannah to the ped yesterday as her headaches are getting more frequent and are now being accompanied with nausea.  The ped feels given my history of migraines and her becoming nauseous that she does have migraines.  I am to give her a 1/2 a tablet of 25mg Topamax which is supposed to help prevent the headaches/migraines from occuring.

Today we another appt. which I am not going to go into great detail about.

Tommorow is Cloverbud 4H Show and Tell!!!!  Hannah will take her potted planted in the planter she decorated and tell the ‘judges’ about it.  They are non-competitive at this point, which is nice.  Every child gets a ribbon and a good bag.  It is also child’s day at the fair so all children get in free so I may take them around to see the animals and a church we visited is giving away free water and has a craft for the children.  It is sad as some other churches are out there collecting money – how sad and no wonder so many see Christians as greedy people.  This church is offering everything for free, no strings attached.  Of course they will share the Good News if someone is interested 🙂

Thursday is my day to work a 2 hour shift with my friend at the Right to Life booth, this is my 2nd year.  Hannah will be accompanying me there as well.  I really enjoy doing the RTL booth – I hope that many people who are working the Democrat booth will stop by and see us 🙂

Friday is thankfully a bit of down time, although I may go to the library and turn in the last of the children’s entry into the summer reading program.  I’d love to win the $100 B&N GC that is the grand prize for the children’s department as it would bring in a nice addition to our FIAR titles and some other school book needs.

Saturday is the big 2 for Christian.  My little man is getting so big and is so destructive exploratory!  He is all boy, which is how it should be.  I went out yesterday to the Evil Empire and bought him a Little Tykes drum, his first remote control car, some Crayola lit’ stampers and a pad of paper.  I am making him a cake and will be topping it with dinosaurs.  He enjoys growling and acting like a dinosaur.

So that is our going ons for now.  I will try to post pictures after tomorrow’s show and tell and on Saturday.

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Blog candy only until 11pmEST Friday

Hop on over to Suzanne’s blog at Scrap Blitz for some great blog candy, but hurry it only goes until 11pm EST on Friday.  Her cards are amazing!  Take a look around as well.

God bless.

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Ruby Rebel update

I am still working on composing my words about Proverbs 31 but it seems that the link for Families Against Feminism as well as the Ruby Rebel button is not working.  If anyone has any other information about these blogs, please let me know, I’d greatly appreciate it.

God bless.

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Late Again: Friday Feast 196

Well I am late again LOL.  Over at Friday Feast


When was the last time you had your hair cut/trimmed?  In 2004 after Bethanne was born, I donated 12 inches of my hair to Locks of Love!  It actually amounted to about 14 inches if you include the two inches they take when cutting it off 😦  I survived and my hair is now, once again, to the middle of my back.  I love my long hair and believe it’s to be seen as my cover from God.


Name one thing you miss about being a child.  I miss spending the weekends at my Grandparents, since both are gone now, it’s the end of an era.  It was always fun to get away, we, well they, I read, would watch wrastlin’, they each had two soap operas they watched, they would take me out to Bob Evans, where my Grandpa knew every waitress by name.  He was of the generation where you are friendly to everyone and never knew a stranger.  I would order hashbrowns (a favorite of my Grandpa and I), pancakes, bacon and hot chocolate.  It was wonderful.


Pick one: butter, margarine, olive oil.  It depends on what I am cooking, for bread I prefer butter.  We don’t use a lot of margarine in the house.  Olive oil is also used sparingly but I dream of cooking like RR so I’d like to think I’d use EVOO  🙂  LOL

Main Course

If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why?  Only one?  Wow!  Okay I’d love to learn German and Gaelic as my family comes from Germany and Ireland.  I’d also like to learn Greek as that is where DH’s family is mostly from as well as a bit o’Irish.  I think sign language would be useful as well.


Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be…  growing in my walk with the Lord, maybe having added another one or two children to our quiver 🙂  or at least breastfeeding a new born.  I’d like to have either added on to our house or moved into something a little bit bigger.  I will be teaching grades 5th, K/1st and PreK/K.

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Happy Birthday America!!!!! Just a small vent.

I have noticed today as we have been out and about doing a few errands that many see today, the 4th of July, as just another holiday.  Sort of like Halloween or Thanksgiving or non-Christians celebrating Christmas.  I have also seen signs saying "4th of July Support our Troops", okay now maybe this petty of me or nit picky but here is the thing – 4th of July is America’s birthday.  It is not a day for troop recognition (that is Memorial Day) or for remembering fallen troops or those who are retired or not serving (that is Veteran’s Day).  This is nothing against the troops, I full heartedly support them and pray for them to be safe in protecting our country, after all I am a Navy vet.  The problem lies in so many people not realizing what the 4th of July is all about. What are schools teaching now a days?  Having had relatives fight in the Revolutionary War, to make America free from British rule.  Why has it been misconstrued to just be another holiday, another day off or another day to party?  It is a shame that many seem not to know about the true origins of the 4th of July, when there is so much history behind it.  If it hadn’t been for the Revolutionary War we would still be ruled by the British and would have no United States of America. 

Okay, now I will go back to having my children study history from a non-revisionist view.

Coming soon, my post on Proverbs 31.

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