
Faith, Family, Love and Reviews

Happy 9th Birthday to my Favorite (Middle) Daughter #grow4christ

Wow!  I say that every year in the months of February, July and September!  I just can’t believe how big my babies have gotten – Bethanne, my middle daughter – was born 9 years ago today – she was my 1st VBAC and also the biggest of all three babies I’ve had so far.  She is very silly, girly girl, and has so much heart for others.


I honestly cannot imagine my life without her – she is strong willed so some days we do butt heads but she is the first to ask me if I’m feeling okay if I have a headache and will bend over backwards to help me when I need it – even if I have to ask 1, 4 or 300 times.  She fights with her brother.  Gets nosey with her sister. She loves to play with her dolls and her Barbies.  She loves pink.  She likes to read about princesses and knows she is one too.  She is in fourth grade and thus far I have no idea what her favorite subject is.  She is smart.  She loves to laugh – not just a chuckle but deep belly laughs that get others to laughing around her.  She likes penguins.  She likes hippos.  She wants to be baptized.



She and her sister together in matching dresses.


At the Fair At New Boston with a sword Grandma Cindy bought her.


Here is she is with her first Bitty Baby.


Just plain goofy!


So my favorite (middle) daughter I pray that you have a blessed 9th birthday and that the Lord will shine His face upon you!

Happy Birthday!

(c) 2013, Sarah Bailey/Growing for Christ, All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized Duplication is a Violation of Applicable Laws



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Thirty-One Thermals #thirtyone #grow4christ

Back in August I announced I’m now an Independent Thirty One Consultant!  I’ve got two online parties right now, but they end on September 30th at noon EST so if you’d like to order and take advantage of this month’s special which is for every $35 you spend you can get a organizing utility tote for $15 or a super organizing tote for $25 – there is still time to order.  Just visit my site and click on My Parties to see the open parties you can shop from!

I’ve received a couple of Thirty-One items as gifts like the floral thermal I’m about to show you and the organizing utility tote and I love the quality you get in these items and besides that I believe in their mission of being Christian and supporting women.  I love the thermals, they keep the food cold and are light weight for carrying around on field trips for the children and I and well, the cute prints that the children and I want to carry around.

The floral motif was given to me earlier this year but a wonderful friend and the Owl theme was in my enrollment kit – aren’t they cute? One fit 2 ice packs and 8 mini bottles of water, the other held three lunchables, 2 ice packs, 1/2 a sub and 2 mini bottles of water!

If you can’t order this month though, no worries!  There will be more great deals for October and as always if you’d like to host a party simply contact me we can do a catalog party or online party and if you live close enough I’ll even do an in home party.  With the personalization these make great Christmas gifts, wedding gifts, baby shower gifts and more!

(c) 2013, Sarah Bailey/Growing for Christ, All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized Duplication is a Violation of Applicable Laws

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Blog Promo: The One Year Book of Amish Peace by Tricia Goyer #grow4christ

About the Book: In our instantly connected world, it’s surprisingly easy to lose our connection to God. This devotional taps Amish wisdom in order to help us draw closer to God and hear his voice. In The One Year® Book of Amish Peace, you’ll get a daily taste of Amish values and wisdom. Tricia Goyer shares her fascination with the Amish in a way that will inspire and encourage believers to carve out more time in each day to listen to God and experience his presence. This daily devotional contains interesting facts about the Amish, recipes, and information about the way the Amish handle money, rear their children, and center their lives on faith in God. You’ll be inspired to slow down and find ways to simplify so that you, too, can experience God in the ordinary.

About Tricia Goyer:

Tricia Goyer has written more than thirty-five books, including both novels that delight and entertain readers and non- fiction titles that offer encouragement and hope. She has also published more than 500 articles in national publications such as Guideposts,Thriving Family, Proverbs 31, and HomeLife Magazine.

Goyer’s fiction and non-fiction books have won awards from the American Christian Fiction Writers and Mt. Hermon Writers’ Conference. She is also a two-time Carol Award winner, as well as a Christy and ECPA Award Nominee.

Tricia has authored several books on family and parenting, as well as co-written with Max Lucado and Robin Jones Gunn. She collaborated with Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges for Lead Your Family Like Jesus, published by Focus on the Family/Tyndale.

The One Year® Book of Amish Peace (Sampler)



I’m making this post for purely promotional purposes, as of yet I have not received anything for promoting this book – but I love Tricia’s writing so I wanted to promote it, regardless I’m including my usual disclosure below to keep in line of the law.

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Be careful little eyes…..(**adult content**)

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  Philippians 4:8 ESV

I’ve been thinking lately on about what I let my children read – I have friends who don’t let their children read parts of the Bible because they are “bad”, or they don’t let their children read a book that may mention sex, or something else that they have deemed their child is too young for.

I must issue a disclaimer, I may have friends thinking “oh, she’s talking about me” – no worries – I’ve talked to many a mom about this and this post isn’t about one friend or one mom – it’s a conglomeration, some who agree with me, some who don’t and some who are on the fence.  So to my friends who I know in real life, please don’t take offense I’m not singling anyone out and know that this is something I’ve been thinking on for awhile and also struggling with and sometimes I can say what I’m thinking better if I write it out than if I say it.

I get that and I’m all in agreement of sheltering our children and protecting their minds from things that they need protection from – I’m not going to have a full out talk with my son about marriage relationships, but it is different for my daughters who are blossoming before my eyes and turning into young women.  They ask questions and I answer, or do my best to answer.

Just recently I gave my oldest daughter the book I reviewed titled Grace Unplugged which had a part in the beginning where the dad gives his 18 year old daughter a purity ring and they mention premarital sex.  **Gasp**  My daughter came to me and said “um, mom what about this?” and I looked at her and said or something like this “I know you know what that means, I’ve read the book and the book is great and I wouldn’t give you something I thought would be bad for you.”  So she read it, she liked it.  I liked it.  And I had peace about giving it to her.

I’m not saying this to tell you that you should let your child read a book that has all adult themes, I hold tight to the verse I posted above from Philippians, BUT what I am saying is that our children should be told about things, in an age appropriate format and their questions should be answered.  If I hadn’t answered my daughter’s questions at 6 and 7 then she would have probably been quite freaked out at age 8 1/2!  At first when my husband and I were confronted about where babies come from, we’d just say that the mommy and daddy loved each other a lot, got married and God gave them a baby – however that no longer suffices for a child who is 11, especially when the child picks up that there are single moms – where is their husband?  single dads – where is their wife? and of course today’s culture with seeing two men or two women being able to adopt….leads to more questions.

My children have heard the word rape, assualt, homosexual, sex, sexy, and more – they are going to hear it in the store, on the radio, on the T.V., from family who don’t have the same morals we have – but I want them to know from us what the Bible says.  Sex is a good thing – inside of marriage – and if giving my 11 1/2 year a book that mentions premarital sex once and opens a discussion and lets her know what God intends then great.  I recently lost a Facebook and IRL friend because she recommended I let the same daughter read a series of books, I have read them, and I disagreed as there were too many details that I was uncomfortable reading let alone my oldest daughter.  She might call me a hypocrite for allowing the other book, however the other book gave no details, it didn’t go into an in depth discussion and so it was not the same as the series (no I won’t mention it).

As a mom and a homeschooler I love the fact that my children come to me for their facts – we are getting away from the slang terms for body parts – and I like that.  My children understand and respect privacy and modesty.  We talk – I don’t want to keep them in the dark, I want them to know the nitty gritty of the Bible, yes, even the incest, the murder, the rapes, the prostitutes – because that shows God’s love, God’s forgiveness and hope.  We discuss why we don’t dress like the men and women on the magazines in the grocery store.  We discuss why they can’t go outside unless we are watching them, even if I’m inside on the couch in the front window – they know there are people around us who would take them, do bad things to them and even kill them.  They also know that we will answer their questions, again in an age appropriate manner, whether it’s about what is for lunch or what is happening to their bodies.

Some may quit reading my blog after this, some may disagree – that’s fine.  This wasn’t an easy post to write.  It isn’t easy thinking that my children are growing up and I pray one day my daughters meet a wonderful godly man to marry and that my son marries a wonderful godly woman.  I don’t want to launch them into the world unaware of what they are going to encounter – I know that by talking to them at home, night and day, and as the Bible says (and yes I know this is about God’s commandments but easily fits what I’m talking about):

You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 11:19

If I teach my children what God says about spousal abuse, about sex, about any of that at home while they are here then they will be able to refute that when they are in the world without me, because they know they can go to the Lord and they’ll know what He says.  There are books some say they’d never let their child read – of course I’m not handing my children a copy of The Hunger Games or 50 Shades of Gray – but I do let them or read aloud books that others may think aren’t ‘Christian’ enough – we discuss them in light of Scripture (of course, my 7 year old and even my 9 year old aren’t always privy to these books).

If our children go through life thinking life is a bowl full of cherries and nothing is wrong (there is nothing wrong with our children being sexual creatures as God made them to be inside of a monogamous marriage) and then we turn them out into the world – they will be eaten alive.  If our children don’t see or hear of persecuted Christians, don’t hear of what horrors some missionaries encounter, think sex is bad or taboo, if we don’t teach them, then someone will – and while it may sound cliche that someone is going to teach them things you don’t want them to know – just because we homeschool doesn’t mean we are immune – we have interaction with others who aren’t Christian – and they need to know how to combat that.

I can’t be with them when they take an extracurricular class in the summer surrounded by children who aren’t Christian and are immersed in the public school culture.  Do you want your child to learn about sex from another child who has already experienced it?  Don’t fool yourself, children are having sex younger and younger.  Do you want your child to learn about sensitive topics from someone who isn’t grounded in the Bible or from you, who can guide them as you are guided by the Lord and His Holy Word?

Let me reiterate, I’m not saying our children should know EVERYTHING, because they shouldn’t.  What I am saying is this: in age appropriate language and at age appropriate times we should not hide the truth from our children.  My 7 year old son has already asked why I have to buy certain products at a certain time of month and I’ve explained to him that as a woman God has made it so we bleed and it prepares us for babies.  That’s it.  With my almost 9 year old I tell her what it’s called menstruation or a period and what it does.  If done in an age appropriate manner and in a matter of fact tone (don’t giggle or blush or worse, tell them we’ll talk later) then they’ll take that information and know that mom or dad will talk to them honestly.  My son has never asked again – he’s probably forgotten.

So, if you’ve chosen to hide things or keep things secret, remember what the Bible tells us about things done in secret, they are usually bad – that is between you, your husband or wife and God.  I’m not judging you – just asking you what you hope to do with keeping things secret.  Will your child resent you later?  Will they be fearful?  Will they act out because they want to know what drugs, sex, alcohol will do to them?  Ask the Lord to show you how to talk with your child about these sensitive topics – ask Him to show you if you should hide them – ask Him.  I won’t lie, it’s uncomfortable talking to my children about these things, but as I learned growing up if a parent won’t talk about them they will find out from someone else and that someone else may not be who you want them talking too.

(c) 2013, Sarah Bailey/Growing for Christ, All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized Duplication is a Violation of Applicable Laws

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FlyBy Promotions Review: Grace Unplugged by Melody Carlson and Own It by the DiMarco’s #grow4christ

You can enter the giveaway by going to the Rafflecopter form.

About the book:

Grace Trey is an 18 year old singer as passionate about her Christian faith as she is her phenomenal, God-given musical talent. Both traits come from her father, one hit wonder Johnny Trey who found Jesus after losing his chart success two decades ago.

When Grace encounters her own music break of a lifetime, the sudden dive into the “real world” puts her deeper beliefs to the test. Pop superstardom is just within reach but appears to require some spiritual compromise. Will Grace reject her faith, or will she own it?

Grace Unplugged is based on the motion picture of the same name starring AJ Michalka (Super 8) and Kevin Pollak (A Few Good Men) with performances by award-winning artists Chris Tomlin and Jamie Grace.

About Melody Carlson:

Melody Carlson has sold more than five million books. A professional writer for twenty years, she recently received the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award. Melody has two grown sons and lives with her husband in the Pacific Northwest.

My Opinion:

This was an excellent book – it starts out with 18 year old Grace who is struggling to be her own person under her parent’s roof and she loves to play and sing music – given that her dad is a one-hit wonder it’s no surprise where she gets her talent, although God plays the ultimate role.  One day when an old friend of her dad’s pops back into his life she gets and idea and leaves her family to head to California so she can make it big and chase her dream.  As she watches another famous singer, who she idolizes, fall down and struggle, Grace enters her own struggles – more than she ever had while at home with her parents.  Drinking provides and escape and she gets a rude awakening to how people use each other in show business.

One would think her parents would chase after her and drag her back but that isn’t to be, he dad goes after her once but after realizing that they’ll have to let her learn her lesson on her own – they begin praying, harder than they’ve ever prayed before.  Grace doesn’t want her parent’s faith, one she sees as stuffy and void, until a young man walks into her life and shows her how to own her own faith – not her parents.  This book really reminded me of the story of the prodigal son in the Bible – but I won’t give all the details away because it’s such a great book I want you to read it for yourself.

After I read this book, in one day, I promptly passed it on to my 11 1/2 year old daughter – she was a bit surprised when she came across “premarital sex” but I told her that it’s fine as it was a conversation between dad and daughter in regards to purity.  Of course, there were rumors of Grace “playing house” with an actor but never was there any acts of anything going on although she does wonder if she can keep the said actor if she has a physical relationship with him.  Since I read this first I felt comfortable in giving this to my daughter to read with it’s redeeming message and God is always shown as playing a role even if it doesn’t look like He’s there.

About Own It:

The movie Grace Unplugged tells the story of Grace Trey, an ideal Christian teenager who is also a phenomenal singer. But when she is pushed into the “real world” at the tender age of eighteen after getting the music break of a lifetime, her faith is put to the test.

Own It mirrors the film by asking what it means to really “own” your personal faith rather than just automatically following in the footsteps of parents, friends, or other influencers. Best-selling authors Hayley and Michael DiMarco help readers understand what to do when faith meets real world challenges.

Without solid beliefs, poor choices are likely to follow. You must take the time to really know who you are, who you are becoming, and who God made you to be. It’s your personal faith . . . own it!

About the DiMarco’s:

Hayley DiMarco is the best-selling author of more than thirty books including Dateable, Marriable, Mean Girls, and The Woman of Mystery. She has been a featured speaker at Women of Faith, Precept National Women’s Conference, and MOPS Intl. among others and has consulted on the creation and enhancement of some of the largest stadium events for teens and young women in North America.

Michael DiMarco is a skillled communicator and teacher who has authored more than a dozen bestselling books including the 2010 Christian Bookof the Year for Youth, B4UD8 (Before You Date). He and his wife, author Hayley DiMarco, have one daughter and live in Nashville, Tennessee.

My Opinion:

This is a companion to the novel, Grace Unplugged, and while I’m still reading it I’ve read enough to know that this is an important book to read, whether you’re new to Christ, searching or have been a Christian for years.  I really appreciated the book when it says one can’t pick and chose what one believes in the Bible, either it’s all true or none of it’s true.  It seems lately that this is the message going on in churches today, that one can pick what fits their life and discard the rest – “oh, Jesus didn’t mean He was the only way to Heaven” or “such and such isn’t a sin because God loves us all” or “there is no Hell, we don’t need to be aware of sin, and so on”.  The question is do you own your faith or are you renting, borrowing or faking it?

Through out the book the authors give examples of how their faith wasn’t their own and how they came to own their own faith.  My children may not make the choices I want for them in life, but I have to give them to God and let Him lead their choices and their paths – that comes as part of owning your faith to let Him lead you – is it scary?  Yes, it can be sometimes – I have no desire for my daughter’s to work outside the home but I know my plans aren’t necessarily God’s plans for them.  I can’t make someone else faith mine – I borrowed my parents perceived faith growing up, but it wasn’t real now that I look back on the choices I made.  Even today I still have doubts if my faith is really my own but instead of borrowing sometimes I feel like I’m faking it – I can talk the talk and walk the walk – sometimes I know it’s Satan waging battle over me too.

Once I finish this I plan on passing this on to my daughter as well and once my other two children make their decision publicly for Christ they’ll be reading it too – I think it should be required reading.  The Lord doesn’t want us lukewarm so we have to decide if our faith is our own and if it’s not are we borrowing, renting or faking and then we have to decide are we going to disown it or are we going to own it?  This book isn’t for the faint of heart, it asks some tough questions, but questions that need asked all the same and unfortunately aren’t getting asked in most churches today.

(c) 2013, Sarah Bailey/Growing for Christ, All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized Duplication is a Violation of Applicable Laws

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Book Review: Early Morning Revival Challenge by Mrs. Sharon White #grow4christ

About the Book:

Inspired by the life, writings, and journals of John Wesley (1700’s), the author has created a 90 – day Bible study challenge. . . The program consists of four, easy to follow, daily assignments. Readers are expected to rise earlier in the morning than normal; Spend 20 minutes in prayer, Bible reading, writing in a journal, and reading quotes from Ministers from long ago. . . The study is simple to follow, but will take a tremendous amount of discipline to stay consistent to the very end. . . If you are up for a challenge and ready for a revival, this book is just what you need! . . . . .

You can purchase Early Morning Revival Challenge: 90 Day Bible Study (With Journaling, Prayer, Reading Psalms and Proverbs, and Quotes from Ministers.) on Amazon.

My Opinion:

This little book is only 72 pages and while you may be thinking what can 72 pages do for me?  It can’t really cause a revival in my prayer and Bible reading life?  Now I’m going to tell you it can – if you dedicate yourself to a revival in your life and commit to it then yes, this 72 page book could very well change your life – or at least make it better.  Having read the preface of the book made me a little jealous of Mrs. White library and long history of godly influences in her life – but I also realize that I need to set a godly example for my children so they can have a legacy like Mrs. White and that is where this book comes into play.  As you begin this study you are entering into a commitment with not only yourself but with the Lord as you seek Him daily through quotes from pastors, reading of His words, journal writing and praying.

Mrs. White’s instructions are simple, wake up 30 to 60 minutes before you normally would (yes, this may be very hard for us busy moms who need our sleep but think of the Lord who prayed all night before His crucifixion) and to dedicate spending 20 minutes doing the daily challenge, each day, for 90 days.  You’ll need a Bible (any version you like, although it’s my opinion to have an actual translation not a paraphrase), a journal which could be as simple as a notebook or as beautiful as a real journal from the bookstore – and don’t miss a day, it’s amazing how great one can feel after spending time with the Lord whether you’re sick or just feeling down!

I love the spaces that give ample area to write the date and time, and areas to check off each part of the challenge to read the quote, to pray, read the Scripture passage and to write in your journal.  Each day is numbered Day 1 through Day 90 for ease of finding where you’re at and keeping track of your progress through the 90 days.  I truly am going to keep going with this challenge and hopefully even go through it again and again – especially since it’s so nice to be able to get my prayer and Bible study time in even though I’m a busy, homeschool mom, just like Mrs. White is.  The whole thing has an old fashioned, down home feel to it just like Mrs. Sharon White’s blog at The Legacy of Home – it’s a good way to bring the calmness of a time gone by and modern study together.

You may use the link below, by clicking on the image to purchase your own copy of Early Morning Revival Challenge.

This post contains affiliate links, if you purchase the book through a link on this post I will receive a small percentage from the sale.



c) 2013, Sarah Bailey/Growing for Christ, All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized Duplication is a Violation of Applicable Laws

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The Simple Woman’s Daybook – 9/24/13 #grow4christ


Outside my window…

It is sunny and beautiful out with nary a cloud in the sky but it’s cool out and comfortable with a nice breeze coming into my house.

I am thinking…

Of everything that needs done such as laundry, dishes, reviews, and other going on – some days it seems like too much to wrap my brain around.

I am thankful…

for having a laptop again after several years without, it makes doing school for my oldest a bit more simpler and I’m thankful to a new-to-us vehicle that has air conditioning for next summer.

In the kitchen…

Not much of anything because we need to go to the grocery.
I am wearing…

My American Heritage Girl Camporee t-shirt, denim skirt, while socks and my blue Crocs.

I am creating…

I’ve got a new cross stitch book mark to start that my mom bought me while out on a field trip last week.  I’m also working on a surprise for my oldest daughter 😀
I am going…

to an American Heritage Girls committee meeting tonight, then hopefully we’ll be getting together with a friend at their house later this week and we may be going to a history demonstration on Friday.
I am wondering…

How soon we can all go to bed.

I am reading…

A Christmas Gift for Rose by Tricia Goyer

Own It: Leaving Behind a Borrowed Faith by Michael and Hayley DiMarco
I am hoping…

That I can get all my book reviews done before October 24th

I am looking forward to…

Bed and and maybe a field trip on Friday.
I am learning….

about swimming creatures and how the creatures of the deep confirm God created everything and not evolution.

Around the house…

It’s chaotic, I still can’t seem to figure out what is causing my two youngest to fight so much, no matter how much out door time they get they constantly bicker and complain.
I am pondering…

Why when a show is ‘Christian’ does it still promote evolution and those who don’t agree with it as some sort of uneducated person?

A favorite quote for today…

I don’t have one and since I’m not feeling inspired right now I don’t want to hunt one down 😦

One of my favorite things…

Knowing that my 7 year old still enjoys a good hug and will hand out kisses and still sit on my lap or next to me for no reason at all.

A few plans for the rest of the week:

Finish up school for Wednesday and Thursday, finish the two books above and try to get two more read and reviewed, maybe go to a friend’s house and visit and maybe do a historical field trip on Friday.

A peek into my day…

What is it about boxes and boys?


(c) 2013, Sarah Bailey/Growing for Christ, All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized Duplication is a Violation of Applicable Laws

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Crew Review: The Presidential Game #hsreviews #grow4christ

We’ve been studying American history this year in our home school and so when the chance to review a game that adds fun to our studies came about I was all over that.  The Presidential Game is for ages 11 years and up and even if you’re playing just for fun or to add to your history or government studies this is one game that the whole family can enjoy. The game comes with a 20” by 30” game board, 1 score pad, 3 blue dice, 3 red dice, 80 politics cards, 40 write-your-own politics cards, 150 Republican chips (red), 150 Democrat chips (blue) and 1 electoral webmap calculator access code.  The game sells for $35.00 and you can also purchase the game hat in either Republican (red), Democrat (blue) and white for Independent for $24.95.

We teamed up with my hubby helping to guide us while playing, my oldest and my son played on one team while my middle daughter and I played on another.  We found out quickly that you run out of chips, but can easily win the game if you only campaign and not do any fundraising – of course that isn’t how real Presidential races work but it was a fun game to play.  I will say the 7 year old and almost 9 year old did lose interest fast so we encouraged them to help put the chips where we told them as well as had them rolling the dice during our turns which helped them stay in the game.  There were quite a bit of directions in how to play the game so that is why my husband was the one helping us in understanding how to play the game.

All three children getting the layout of the game.

It doesn’t matter if you align with Republicans, Democrats or as an Independent or as none of the above – the game is fun and full of strategy and does help players understand a bit more what goes into campaigning and fundraising.  The WebMap calculator adds a bit of technology to the game, there will be a code so you can access the calculator for free while you are playing the game. You can track which states each party wins as well as track how long your race to be President is going – 1 hour of play equates to about 30 weeks of campaigning/fundraising.  I tried to use the WebMap on my iPod touch and it wouldn’t stay open, so our next time we play since I have a laptop now we’ll be accessing it on the laptop to make it easier to keep track of which party has won which state.

My oldest trying to decide how to disburse her team’s chips.

 It is definitely a fun and unique way for children and adults to learn a little about what it takes to run for the chief of America.   I look forward to many more nights playing this with the children and maybe getting together with friends to play with as well – it can be great fun to get together and play games and maybe even make some patriotic snacks to go along with the game playing.  If you’d like to see what other homeschoolers had to say about The Presidential Game visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog.

(c) 2013, Sarah Bailey/Growing for Christ, All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized Duplication is a Violation of Applicable Laws

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A Christmas Gift for Rose by Tricia Goyer (Launch Team Announcement)

I regret that I was supposed to announce this last week, but with all that was and is happening it fell by the wayside.  I was accepted on Tricia Goyer’s launch team for her newest book A Christmas Gift for Rose – which if you haven’t guessed is a Christmas Amish fiction novel.


I’m reading it right now and will be posting a review when I’m finished with it – hopefully by tomorrow!  So be looking for my review of this book, but if it’s like Tricia’s other books this one is not to be missed!  Click on the button to be taken to Amazon to pre-order your copy today!


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Bethany House Review: Stranded (Book 3 Alaskan Courage series) by Dani Pettrey #grow4christ

About the book: Darcy St. James returns to Alaska to join a journalist friend undercover on the trail of a big story. But when Darcy arrives, she finds her friend has disappeared. Troubled by the cruise ship’s vague explanation, Darcy uses her cover as a travel reporter to investigate further.

The last person Gage McKenna expects to see during his summer aboard a cruise ship leading adventure excursions is Darcy. And in typical Darcy fashion, she’s digging up more trouble.

He’d love to just forget her–but something won’t let him. And he can’t help but worry about her as they are heading into more remote regions of Alaska and eventually into foreign waters. Something sinister is going on, and the deeper they push, the more Gage fears they’ve only discovered the tip of the iceberg.

You can purchase the book by clicking on the picture or the image at the end of the post.

My Opinion:


Wow!  I so loved this book, whether that is because Dani is a fellow homeschool mom or not – doesn’t matter she is a superb writer who writes a great and gripping tale with both romance and suspense in perfect harmony.  I remained on the edge of my seat the entire time as Darcy went on the search for her missing friend while undercover aboard a cruise ship.  When Darcy comes aboard under the guise of being an excursion reporter she realizes that her friend, Abby, fellow undercover reporter has gone missing but while some tell her to realize her friend is dead or worse already sold into the trafficking trade, she never gives up hope that her friend is alive – it’s not because she’s afraid for her but afraid because she hasn’t accepted Christ yet.  I thought this was beautiful and couldn’t help but think that if more of use would act like Darcy and be conscious of our friends and family’s soul’s and actively work to show them Christ.


I have to say the last ten chapters got really good, the suspense was high and my heart rate was actually excelling, and that rarely happens when I read a book.  I will note that there is romance through out the book as well, and while it’s tame compared to some romance I’ve read in this market, it’s still there but thankfully no more than kissing, hand holding or touching the woman’s hair.  While I didn’t pay much mind to the romance parts I’m glad that through Darcy’s many prayers a great decision is made by Gage, although I won’t give away the whole story – suffice to say, it’s a book well worth reading and since I read book 2, Shattered, and I can’t wait to go back and read book 1 which I’m sure will be as great a read as the other two.


(c) 2013, Sarah Bailey/Growing for Christ, All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized Duplication is a Violation of Applicable Laws

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