
Faith, Family, Love and Reviews

Crew Review: Apologia “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist”

on August 21, 2012


Vendor Name:  Apologia

Vendor ContactApologia contact page

Name of Product:   I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist book and curriculum/workbook

Price:  $16.00 for the book; $33.00 for the workbook

Age/Grade Range: high school to adult

This is probably the first review for the Schoolhouse Review Crew that I am unsure as how to write it.  I wish I could just say this book is great and tell you  to go buy it – but I can’t.  This book is deep – I haven’t actually finished it because it’s deep and it does take some thought to read this, so it’s not a book you can leisurely read in bed before falling to sleep – unless you want to re-read everything in the morning!

Written by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek this book aims to give Believers the knowledge to defend their faith, like Jesus did, with humbleness and love.  The book is written for the high school or adult who wants to know more about the whys and how to defend their faith with knowledge and is written in an engaging style that while deep, also keeps ones attention as they read it.  With chapters such as: ‘In the Beginning There Was a Great Surge’, ‘Miracles: Signs of God or Gullibility’, ‘Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead’, and more this book will give us a reason for our faith.

In a world filled with anti-Christian rhetoric such as there are no moral absolutes, evolution, and evil this book belongs in the hand of every Believer.  Even though I’m not done reading it yet, I have not found anything that goes contrary to the Bible – which is more important than any doctrine espoused by a church.  Weighing this book against the Bible and it stacks up with what some Christians still believe today – God created the Earth and everything in it in 6 days and rested on the 7th, Jesus did rise from the dead, miracles were performed and witnessed, and more.

There are times I have found myself confronted with non Believer’s who try to tell me that the Bible is full of lies or how can I know that it’s true since it’s contradicts itself and would a loving God send thousands of people to Hell?  Usually I have no come back – I know what I believe but non Believers don’t want opinions based on the Bible, they want scientific, hard facts that can be proven and I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist will equip me for that.

If you or your high school student, like me, worries that they can’t possibly remember everything in the book, then the workbook may just be what you need to go along.  You don’t have to be a high school student to work through this book either – it’s meaty enough for an adult who wants to know the reason we have for our hope.  I am so glad they have a how to use this book to begin with – if I was handing this to my high school student (when I have one) they’d be able to read through it and work through this without much oversight from me, except to discuss questions and answers and grade tests.

It is recommended to take two to three weeks to read each chapter in the book and complete the assignments in the workbook.  Sounds like a long time and when one thinks it’ll take at least nine months to complete the workbook – it is but it’s time well spent since you’ll be able to accurately talk to persons who are hesitant to believe in what you’re saying about your faith.  The workbook is designed to make it easy to understand and remember what it is that you read in the book and it’s divided into sections such as:

  • Hook:  this will help you remember what the chapter discussed and some questions to get you “warmed up”
  • Book:  delve deeper into the specifics covered in the chapter
  • Look:  suggested activities to help you discover the truth for yourself.
  • Took:  a summary and a help to apply what you’ve learned to your life

Throughout the workbook are also short biographies of those who were either Christian or non Believers – these are inspiring in the fact that we can see how those who stood for Christ defended their faith and how those non Believers lived a life contrary to God and His Word.  As you work your way through the book there will be tests that can be accessed for free on the Apologia website as well as the answers to the questions.  This will be a long nine month journey but if you or your child comes out stronger in the faith then it’s been well worth it and one day you’ll hear, “well done”.

**Disclaimer:  As a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.

